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Vilna Jorgen Morpurgo

b. Countess Adele Vilhelma Ludvikke Bykle-Larsen von Wittelsbach Nilsen Vik> (Father was Jarl (Earl) Adolphe Martinius Nilsen, Mother was Countess Marie-Louise (Samuelinesdotter) Bykle-Larsen von Wittelsbach)

Due to Malware attacking some archival tripod sites, we are not listing any direct links to other websites and ask you to search directly from your own browser for some of the sites mentioned here.
(Our sincere apologies for the chaotic look of this webpage. Due to the need to store as much documentation and other historical material as possible, we are simply entering it haphazardly on this page as soon as we are able to process it. Collectors and Art Historians please call us at 1-631-725-1414 or email us at to arrange for viewing of available works in the New York City and The Hamptons. Some are presently offered on in charity auctions, where they are better displayed. Search for "Vilna Jorgen Morpurgo")
Shop for reproductions of Vilna's Art at Fine Art America:
CURRENTLY FOR PRIVATE AUCTION with a Reserve of $100,000,000.00
In Benefit of THE SAVANT GARDE INSTITUTE and VESTERHEIM:The Norwegian-American Museum, where more of Vilna's works are on Exhibit

ALSO: call or email us for viewing or GO DIRECTLY TO TO SEE the Original 1937 Self-Portrait of ArtemisSmith Morpurgo's Viking Mother, whose anti-Nazi heroic exploits are documented in "ArtemisSmith's ODD GIRL Revisited" and in an upcoming volume dedicated solely to Vilna's life and work. Daughter Annaselma (ArtemisSmith) writes:

"I remember Mamma painted this even as she prepared never to see us again - so that we would know what a fine lady she was, no matter who would raise us (for the servants had promised to hide us from the Nazis if the family could not escape Italy in time). She used the face on the 1933 painting by her friend and colleague, Clarissa von Blumenthal, but made it thinner and even sadder. At the same time, she was ready to show and then destroy the model for the monument Mussolini had commanded her to complete honoring him and Hitler, who had also posed for Vilna. She did not know whether she would be arrested, whether she would ever see us again."

CURRENTLY ALSO FOR PRIVATE AUCTION with a Reserve of $100,000,000.00
1944 UNITED NATIONS INAUGURAL BALL (please excuse the candid cell phone snapshots)
Painted in 1947 for the Second United Nations Exhibit. (Vilna represented Norway in both the 1944 and 1947 U.N. Exhibits as well as the 1939-40 New York City World's Fair. Family Tree List compiled thanks to Marius Hellerud. Takes You to Our Morpurgo Family Homepage.

Biographical Material and Archived Works under construction

Portrait of Vilna Jorgen by Baroness Clarissa von Blumenthal, 1933 (Below: daughter Annaselma (Artemis Smith) 1964.
Vilna was pregnant with Annaselma at the time and still unmarried and still undecided about the wisdom of marrying an Italian Jew.

Vilna, who had studied with Fokine and rehearsed with Nijinski, staged this photograph and told five-year-old Annaselma when to snap the picture.

APPRAISERS TAKE NOTE: Directly from your browser, GO TO: for Additional Biographical and vintage Press Exhibits

Vilna, Attilio, Helga, Mariolino, and Annaselma behind Vilna, c. 1938.
Bas relief portrait of Attilio by Vilna Jorgen, cast in bronze, c. 1933

Vilna, Attilio and Annaselma in carrozza, 1934.

Vilna, Attilio, Annaselma, Helga, c. 1949.

APPRAISERS TAKE NOTE: Directly from your browser, GO TO: for Additional Biographical and vintage Press Exhibits

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